The fun questions tag!


Hey guys! Hope you’re all well  🙂

Its been so long since i last did a tag and i really love doing them! I’m one of those people that likes to take part in questionnaires and enjoys filling out forms, Who else likes stuff like that?

Anyways here are the questions 🙂 

 1. When is your birthday?
November 8th 1993, yep that means I’m a scorpio 😉 

2. What are three of your favourite colours?
Black, white and grey – how exciting! 

3. What are three of your favourite quotes?
seize the day cause tomorrow you might be dead- Buffy

Its better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring- Marilyn monroe 

Holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die- Buddha

4. Are you addicted to youtube?
Well I’m watching it right now 🙂 YES!

5. What are 3 of your favourite shows on tv or youtube or both?
I love american horror story, the walking dead, pretty little liars, 
supernatural, zoella, pointless blog, mark ferris, brogan tate and velvet ghost. There are so many more and i was only supposed to pick 3 oops!

6. What are 3 qualities you like in a  best friend?
Trust and loyalty is a big one!!
Is as weird as i am and just gets me.
Someone whose gonna be around no matter what. 

7. Do you like your name?
I like my first name but I’m not keen on my middle name and my last name. 

8.  If you have the choice to pick your own name, what would it be?
I’d probably stick with Skye but change my other names i cant really think of one to be honest. If i have a daughter i’d love to name her Elsa. 

9. What is your fantasy dream?
To meet Jensen Ackles, DUH! 

10. Do you wear makeup?
Yes i love makeup! 

11. If you could write a book what would the title be and what would it be about?
It would probably be either vampire related or something about fairies i have no idea on a name though haha, i am not destined to be an author! 

12. What makes you cry?
Animals dying in films. 

13. What makes you angry?
Those horrible videos you see on 
Facebook of animal abuse or people getting beaten up. So nasty! 

14. What makes you happy?
seeing my family and friends happy and spending time with them. 

15. What is ‘fan girling’ ?
When you are so obsessed with someone that you freak out completely when you either see them or even hear their name being mentioned. You spend all your time just being infatuated with that person. 

16. What are your 3 favourite snacks?
Anything crisp related
cereal bars

17. What are your 3 favourite foods?
Basically everything unhealthy *haha*

18. What are your 3 favourite drinks?
Cherry coke
Hot chocolate 

19. Can you tell us a little about yourself?
My names Skye, Im 5ft short, i have blue eyes, blonde hair, I live with my partner Jonathan and our 1 year old son in Llandogo we also have two doggies a jackhuahua called Dolly and a pug called Pandora. 

20. what are 1o random facts about you?
I cant swim
I’ve fractured my arm, jaw and thumb.
I have a fear of octopuses.
I have OCD Mildly.
I only like cheese on certain things
When i was younger i used to smell my food before eating it.
Im quite a straightforward person
I haven’t got any tattoos
I had my nose pierced but had to have it surgically removed.
I love making lists.

21. What are your 3 fun things to do?
Going to the beach
Binge watching tv shows

Thats all the questions guys, feel free to take part in this tag yourselves let me know if you do as id love to read your answers 🙂 

Lots of Love

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